Tips for Newbie bloggers

…By a newbie blogger.

Recently my blog turned 6 months old (yay) and while it’s only a little milestone it’s really made me reflect on how far I’ve come as a blogger. Looking back on old posts I can see such a difference between then and now and it’s not just the writing. There are so many things that I’ve learnt and want to pass on to other bloggers just starting out, handy tips and tricks to make your blog the best it can be.

Of course I’ve still got a lot to learn and I’m excited to learn it, but there a few things I wish I’d known myself 6 months ago.

Reading other blogs

Reading, commenting, following other blogs is essential if you run one for yourself. Being interactive within the blogosphere can be scary at first but the things it will teach you are invaluable and it will help you be a better blogger in the long run.

The blogging community welcomes new comers with open arms so it’s important to really show some love back. On average I spend an hour a night, usually before bed, catching up on my favourite bloggers, commenting on posts and discovering newbies who are just starting out. Not only does it inspire you for your own blog, but it helps get your name out there and you can make a few friends while you’re at it.

Social Media

The importance of getting your blog out there can’t be stressed enough and social media is one of the best ways to do it. Even if you only have a handful of followers it’s important to promote your blog as much as possible. My favourite by far is Twitter and it has helped my engagement improve leaps and bounds. This is due to the many resources for bloggers on Twitter, including blog chats, retweet accounts and comment pods all of which will help spread the word about your blog and make it more successful.

Instagram is another one that can work really well, depending on your photography skills. A good picture with the right hashtags can translate into a lot of traffic for your blog. I’d recommend using at least two social media platforms to start off with then, when you’re more comfortable, branch into more like Pinterest.


When I first started out I didn’t realise how important photography was in getting my blog off the ground. It seems that as soon as I started putting more effort into the images my blog got more and  more popular. Of course we don’t all have a cannon camera and a lighting box, but showing thought and effort in your photos is the best place to start.

 Free Apps

Which brings me onto the free apps no blogger can live without. There’s an app for everything they say so it’s no surprise that there are dozens of apps out there that can make a bloggers life that little bit easier.

One of my favourites is a well known photo editor called VSCO which gives users a range of filters and editing techniques that can totally transform even the dullest image. This was especially useful when I used my phone to capture images and I wanted the illusion of quality.

Other faves include WordPress of course; Buffer which allows you to schedule tweets, Planloly which helps you plan your Instagram feed and Followers+ which helps you keep track of your social media accounts.


Posting consistently is important if you want to build an audience and have good engagement, the key to this is being organised. Knowing what posts you want to publish and when can really help you keep on top of everything and prevents blogging from becoming overwhelming.

For me I like to keep a week in front of my posts, especially during those busy weeks when I know I’m not going to have time. Having spare posts in your back pocket also helps cover you when you’re ill or just having an off day so you never lose that consistency.

Write what you know not what’s popular

It can be tempting to go with the flow and write about something with a buzz, but it’s more important to write about subjects you’re passionate about. Certain topics fit certain blogs and while I don’t think you should ever limit yourself to what you write about, staying true to yourself will help your blog stand the test of time.

Don’t focus on the numbers

My first ever blog post got about three views.

It’s disheartening at first to put your heart and soul into a post for it to only get a few hits but if you’re in this for the fortune and fame then you’re not in it for the right reasons. Blogging is about sharing your voice and connecting with people around the world and to do that you have to start off slow.

You’re not going to be getting Zoella-like numbers straight out the gate so don’t worry too much over the figures and just focus on enjoying your blog.

Keep it Fun

Which leads me to my final point, keep it fun.

Blogging is supposed to be enjoyable and while it’s certainly hard work it’s important to remember not to take it too seriously and zap all the fun out of it. Relish in trying new things and finding your voice, knowing that it only takes one blog post or comment to make someone’s day.


You never stop learning and evolving as a blogger, we strive for perfection and aim for the best. But cutting yourself a little slack at the beginning is essential if you want to be in this game long term, no one starts out with Pulitzer writing and ace photography skills so being patient and taking inspiration where you can is essential.

Pressing publish on those first few posts can be nerve wrecking but there’s no greater satisfaction than knowing you’re getting yourself out there and loving every minute of it.


What advice would you give to other bloggers? Let me know in the comments.


66 thoughts on “Tips for Newbie bloggers

  1. Thanks for the post geared towards us newbs. This was just what I needed to read today! I’m a brand spanking new blogger and eager to learn all I can 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am just starting out and I am glad I came across this post! I will definitively have to work on my photography skills, maybe invest in a camera since mine on my phone sucks. I really want to know how you got your blog to look so awesome on the front page? It is so cool!

    Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS (though at this point it is, like, 8 month anniversary now). I am going to try and post consistently and a good idea to keep posts in the pocket, as right now I am just writing about anything and everything that comes to mind and posting right away. I will start saving posts up.

    Much love xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you lovely that’s so sweet of you! I’d be happy to give you any advice or tips on photography, it can be so daunting at first. I remember looking at blogs and feeling so disheartened that mine didn’t look the same but everything takes time.

      Yeah I definitely was like that at first, so many ideas popping out of my head but it’s good to keep some in the back pocket for those days when you have a little writers block.

      I’m happy it helped lovely! Xo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you lovely! I am the exact same, and to be honest I still struggle with being a little shy within the blogging world. My biggest tip though is to just put yourself out there as much as you can, get involved in chats etc and just be interactive. Everyone I’ve come across has been so lovely and welcoming so try not to be nervous and I’m sure you’ll do great! Congrats on starting out honestly hitting that publish button is the hardest step you’ll make xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Everything takes time! But the more you post the more likeminded people will find you and interact. I’ve struggled with confidence all my life and blogging has really helped that. Be proud of yourself for taking the first few steps 🙂 xo

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a fairly new blogger (only started at the end of January) so these tips are really helpful! Thankyou for such a great post xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congrats on your six month mark! I’ve been doing this since December 2016 so I’m a newbie myself. I totally know the feeling of only getting a few likes and I’m finally starting to realize that it’s not about that. I’m doing this because I enjoy writing and being creative. I like makeup and I love colorful things and I want to let people know that even if you wear makeup that it comes from the inside. So I like to say that women (and men) should wear their hearts on their faces. I like your blog and it’s my first time passing though. I’ll definitely be a new follower! I’m definitely going to be using some of your tips here, especially the “keeping a few posts” in my back pocket. That’s really great advice because there will always be a rainy day! Or days where you feel blah or something! Thank you 🙂 Check out my blog if you’d like 🙂 I’m Ayana by the way!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow thank you so much for such a wonderful comment! Yeah it can be discouraging to focus on stats at first but you have such a wonderful reason for doing this and having such a strong message is important if you want to connect with people. Can’t tell you how many times a spare post has saved the day, it’s my security blanket. I’ll definite check out your stuff! Thank you again for taking the time to read and comment sweety! Xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah no problemI I was happy to comment 🙂 Yeah that tip is going to come in handy for me for sure! Yeah, and thanks for liking some of my blog posts. I appreciate the support ❤
        xo Ayana

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the tips i just started my blog today and ive got a post scheduled already feeling so productive haha i thought id give blogging a try since i really like youtube but for me youtube still wins hehe blogging isnt far behind xx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This is such a helpful post! I’ve been blogging for just over a year but I still feel very lost most of the time! I find reading other blogs incredibly helpful as well as just for simple enjoyment! Xx

    Kirsty | The Monday Project |

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congrats on your blog turning 6 months old – that’s so exciting! I completely agree about having good photography – I didn’t think it mattered that much when I first started out but now I’m really re-evaluating my photos and I think I’ll be replacing some of them over the next few weeks! I loved this post, I thought it was super useful so thank you for sharing! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh thank you for reading!
      Definitely, it can be so daunting when you first start out. I’d probably start by following retweet accounts, I can send you some suggestions across if you like? And then there’s Twitter chats you can get involved in, they’re usually on a specific topic or subject they’re really fun. Just don’t be nervous and be yourself and you’ll get so much out of it! 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

  8. These tips are completely and utterly true therefore I completely agree. Its important not to worry about numbers but instead focus on the quality and effort you drown your blog posts in! You put a great message out there!!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you my lovely! Yes definitely, I always find that when I’m not worrying about all the stats my blog actually improves and my quality gets a lot better. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment my lovely! Xo

      Liked by 1 person

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